Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Keep Moving?

When someone did better than you,
It motivates you to do better? or demotivates you?
Well it demotivates me...
I try to think positive, but I can't
Does it really motivate us to do better when someone actually achieved higher than yourself?
For me not really... It makes you think that you just lost a race...
If you can stand up and do it again, so called self-motivate... That's good... But what if you're still standing where you are and can't go any further;
Then you might need to start questioning yourself... what's the gain?
only disappointment...
Something that I learnt from this job, never give up...
Keep moving, keep on generating...
Hard works do pay off...
Don't ever give up...
It's easy to say, but really difficult to do it,
practice it,
even understand it...

"Life is a race..if you don't run fast ..you will be like broken anda.."
-Prof Viru "3 idiots"

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