Thursday, 29 August 2013


A piece of paper is where I found my root from... a place where I can dream, imagine things, see everything clearly without my glasses, more importantly I found freedom... and peace...

My pencil, pilot drawing pen is like my oxygen mask... fresh air started to get into my lungs, adrenaline rush, poison in my body cell turn into gas evaporate out of my skins, strong heartbeats that makes every part of my body feel alive... 

Sketching, drawing makes me remember who I really am, truly am... It's been quite awhile since I touch a pencil, a pen, doing sketches... I lost a bit of my skill... need more work on this...

Monday, 29 July 2013



幸运的孩子 爬上了殿堂 成果代价都要品尝
单纯的孩子 是否变了样 跟着游戏规则 学着成长

轰轰烈烈的排行 沸沸扬扬的颁奖 跟着节奏我常迷惘
当人心变成市场 当市场变成战场 战场埋葬多少理想

回想着理想 稀薄的希望 走着钢索 我的刚强
伟大和伪装 灰尘或辉煌 那是一线之隔 或是一线曙光

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱 默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
就算会有一天 没人与我合唱 至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方

歌手追逐销售量 记者追逐点击量 没有谁比谁更善良
无论天后或天王 无论小兵或老将 曲终人散都要苍凉

期待着彩虹 所以开了窗 窗外只有灼热闪光
所谓的彩虹 不过就是光 只要心还透明 就能折射希望

每个孤单天亮 我都一个人唱 默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
就算会有一天 没人与我合唱 至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方

其实我们都一模一样 无名却充满了莫名渴望 一生等一次 发光
宁愿重伤也不愿悲伤 让伤痕变成了我的徽章 刺在我心脏 永远不忘

默默的让这旋律 和我心交响
就算会有一天 没人与我合唱 
至少在我的心中 还有个尚未崩坏的地方
孩子一样 不肯腐烂的土壤 再唱再唱再唱再唱再唱


It kept in my heart too long...

There's this young boy who loves drawing... need to choose his profession in higher education... Reality kills sometime... People say no future, not worthy working on art design, drawing and stuffs like that... it's just an interest... Do it when you have free time only... It's such a shame and reality from the society eventually kills people dream, create fear to this teenager who that time have no direction. He felt that there's high chances he may regret that decision he made in young. He scare of failure, fail to live up expectation of a traditional family with hopes. Responsibility handed over with money cash in into this lad, who he think he has no chips or any bargaining power to make any decision for his future... sadly he had to choose what family advise... drawing is only an interest...