Wednesday, 26 May 2010


歌舞剧啊... 在英国看了难忘的四场: "妈妈咪呀!" (Mamma Mia!), "歌剧魅影"(Phantom of the Opera), "女巫前传"(Wicked), 及 "狮子王"(The Lion King). 对英国人来说, 观看现场文艺表演好像是蛮普遍的余兴节目... 歌舞剧起源于英国, 早初被称"音乐剧"... 至十九世纪末, 英国人已开始看歌舞剧了... 所以来到英国怎么可以不看已有两百多年历史的歌舞剧呢?

对我们来说, 看西式歌舞剧是一种全新的娱乐经验, 新的见闻, 至少也得看一场... 还记得当初两年前看了"歌剧魅影"之后, 回到了伦敦的宿舍认识了一班美国人... 当他们问起我们在伦敦该去些什么地方时, 我们提议他们去看伦敦的歌舞剧... 因为对第一次看了"歌剧魅影"的我们来说, 是一场必看的表演... 但他们却对伦敦的歌舞剧毫无兴趣, 说在纽约的时候, 已看了无数场... 想着想着, 忘了美国也有歌剧院... 对亚洲人来说, 看一些不曾看过的东西会特别兴奋吧; 也因为那些歌舞剧也满足了或超越了我们进歌剧院前的期望... 几乎每一场结束后, 歌舞剧都会把我们吹走... 呼~

在伦敦, 歌剧院不像电影院... 比如"歌剧魅影"只属于一所歌剧院, 长年都在同一件歌剧院表演... 因为这样也好,进入了歌剧院后,仿佛真的进入了他们的世界... 每一位舞台演员深入的表演以及舞台上的音效及特技效果, 每一幕的喜怒哀乐在肉眼前都显得非常的真实, 引起了观众的情感共鸣, 情绪起伏也被表演控制了, 仿佛参与了歌舞剧般... 每一场的结束, 全场观众都站起来报以热烈的掌声... 其中难忘的"妈妈咪呀!"歌舞剧... 表演结束后, 观众席的气氛是如此的热烈... 不止有掌声, 热情的观众还随着播放的ABBA的经典歌曲一起随着歌唱, 载歌载舞, 如醉如痴...

从第一次看了歌舞剧后, 就说只是去见识一下就好, 当初还觉得票价好贵哦... 可是看了第一场后, 就有第二, 第三, 第四场... 歌舞剧现场的真实表演吸引了我.... 每一位主角的高音歌唱都令人惊奇不已.... 每一场的惊喜, 大笑, 感动... 每一幕剧情及每一次被吹走的经验都深感难忘.........

Monday, 24 May 2010


只要有看过冲上云霄的, 都会想来到罗马吧...
来到罗马, 一定要走过斗兽场...

到了罗马, 也一定要来到特萊維喷泉...
除了欣赏这座雄伟的喷泉之外, 也要在喷泉前投擲钱币许愿...
传说如果投擲一枚钱币, 旅客会再多返回罗马...
投擲两枚的话, 旅客会遇到新的爱情故事...
投擲三枚的话, 旅客可能会结婚或离婚...

在罗马, 尝试了不少美食...
从1890营业至今, 它算是个百年来字号...
这间是吃过最好吃的, 滑腻的口感和浓密的口味,
那就是有不少老人家在舔冰淇淋, 而且那时还是冬天呐!
在罗马的一些皮萨店, 皮萨是以重量定价格的, 还蛮特别的...
来到意大利, 也要来一杯香浓的意大利咖啡...
可是走了7天, 我既然忽略了咖啡... 天啊~!

在罗马, 我们一班四人也来到了納沃納广场(Piazza Navona)...
原本以为又是一个普通的广场, 可是那天的广场却爆满了人...
那天是正好是欧洲主显节(Epiphany), 基督教的其中一个盛事...
只感觉到好像搞嘉年华一样, 人潮拥挤到...
广场上有一些街头表演,街头画家, 街头真人扮的塑像等...
当然, 被人潮吓傻的我们也到摊位逛逛走走...
那些摊位卖的有巫婆玩偶, 玩具, 棉花糖, 松饼, 太妃糖苹果....
那天搞不清楚是什么节日时, 还真的以为是万圣节...


我会再回到罗马... 吧, 逼近在许愿泉那留下了愿望...
罗马市政府也因为这样的传说, 也赚了一笔吧...

Sunday, 23 May 2010



梵蒂冈... 是世界上最小的国家...
全国人口约1400人, 而且常住人口仅约540人...

我们先来到圣彼得广场, 之后前往梵蒂冈博物馆...
来到梵蒂冈博物馆, 当然少不了参观西斯廷小堂(Sistine's Chapel)
在西斯廷小堂里, 穹顶画和祭坛画是主要焦点...
穹顶画又名为"创世纪", 画中描述了圣经Genesis部分中九个故事,
其中著名的是"创造亚当", 在不少电影都用了这一幕,

一手拿着割皮刀, 一手拿着被剥下的人皮...
据说这是米开朗基罗在画中留下签名的方式, 太有创意了吧...
虽然不是基督徒... 但看了米开朗基罗两幅的伟大杰作, 只能说极为壮观!

拥有特别黄色的邮箱, 和象征梵蒂冈的邮票...
因有写明信片的关系, 这当然错不了...
对我来说, 没什么特别...

来到梵蒂冈, 惊叹的不是圣彼得广场中雄伟的建筑或是博物馆里的收藏品,
有走过聖伯多祿大殿里的游客, 都会看见一座座教宗的雕像,
数量还蛮多的, 基督徒主要信奉的不是耶稣及宗教本身吗?

NIKE's World Cup Ad: Write the Future

Best World Cup ad. ? One goal, one goal clearance, one tackle, one move, one free kick will decide a footballer's or a nation's future. How extraordinary is that? which really makes sense in reality football. 2 goals scored by Zidane on world cup 98 gave France their first ever world cup. Beckham's sent off on world cup 98 blamed of losing to Argentina by his English nation for many years. Ronaldo's 2 goals brought Brazil to their fifth championship on world cup 2002. Who could forget that Zidane got a red card after headbutting Materazzi, gave Italian the edge on penalties and won the world cup in 2006. So what would it be in South Africa? Can't wait for world cup! Common' England!!!!!

Say Hello to My Little Friend...

Saturday, 22 May 2010


佛罗伦萨... 是意大利著名的艺术之都... 她是当年欧洲文艺复兴运动的发祥地和歌剧的诞生地...
当我们一班四人到了佛罗伦萨, 却下了雨... 佛罗伦萨的圣母百花大教堂是当地的地标, 但最喜欢的还是领主广场... 领主广场上有许多引人注目的希腊神话中的雕像, 神话人物有海格力斯, 海神尼普顿... 与最近两部电影(Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief; & Clash of the Titans)用的希腊神话当中其中的一幕, 珀耳修斯与他割下的美杜萨的头... 当然领主广场少不了米开朗基罗的大卫像,可惜只是复制品... 之后我们也走过不少广场: 共和广场, 圣十字广场与圣老楞佐广场... 佛罗伦萨可说是艺术之都, 每一个广场都有充满文艺设计的老建筑或是大殿... 有一些还少不了文艺复兴期间中著名的雕像...

之后大家也来到了皮萨, 就为了那一座斜塔... 那时天快黑了,也下了雨,这一生可能只来这么一次却发生了这种事... 有够哀... 就这样, 一天游玩的佛罗伦萨与皮萨还真的是不够... 没办法... 学生就是如此...

Thursday, 20 May 2010


意大利水城威尼斯... 一个让人脱离现实世界,
有如踏进海市蜃楼, 似真似假...
这因为威尼斯无数的桥梁, 大大小小的运河, 充满艺术气息的小商店,
古典风情的钟楼与教堂, 以及充于浪漫情调的贡多拉...
眼前的水城美景真的会让人陶醉其中, 似活在逝去的时代...

本身已去了威尼斯两次, 来了两次还是会迷失...
第一次威尼斯的经验当然是最棒的, 其中除了贡多拉和水城观光之外,
我和妆都陶醉在威尼斯的意大利美食... 我们享用了海鲜意粉,
吃到上癮的传统carbonara, 入口即化的意大利千层糕(lagsane),
绵软适口的意大利烩饭(risotto) 以及每一天都需要的Gelato冰淇淋...^^
第二次的经验也蛮精彩的, 因为来到的时候是一月,
有种再次踏入时空隧道, 来到一个意想不到的,不一样的世界...
如此美丽的水城, 我觉得在世上已没有第二个威尼斯了吧...

岛上的各小商店大多卖的是艺术品, 比如有油画, 陈旧的玩偶, 彩色玻璃, 嘉年华式面具等...
嘉年华那天,人人都会带着面具走走, 饮食, 购物与沟通...

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


米兰... 给人一种充满着时尚,设计,奢华购物的城市...
对我这种贫民来说, 所有东西突然变得超昂贵...
米兰第一天吃的不是意大利面, 皮萨... 而是麦当劳...

米兰大教堂...  哥特式的教堂建筑...
这教堂是如此的壮观, 我们还上了教堂的"天台",
在英国这根本就是不可能的事, 大多数都在里边看看走走...

尽管有能欣赏的东西, 也有烦人的事情...
米兰的骗子是出了名的, 广场上的鸽子就是他们的商业用具,
他们会给旅客一些饲料来吸引鸽子,当我们收了那些饲料, 那一刻就被骗了...
我的一位曾去米兰的朋友,乔治是受害者, 这种手段骗了他二十欧元...
米兰虽让人感觉到时尚和繁华, 却因这些人而变得低俗...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

24 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Barcelona

Barca! Barca! Barcelona...! Believe it or not, no research undertaken before we came to this place. But in some ways it is good, Barcelona given me a lot of suprises. When I saw Sagrada Familia, I was amazed as I thought it was going to be another cathedral. But it wasn't, it was something magnificient that really (I felt) mind blowing. A cathedral that is so ambitious, filled with meanings, and probably the best work by Antoni Gaudi.

 If anyone come to Barcelona, they have to visit the masterpiece left by Gaudi. Gaudi is a catalonian architect that construct most of Barcelona's notable architectures. His work included Casa Batlo, an apartment with ocean themed; Park Guell, a park build based on mosaic and ideas from different element of nature; and the most impressive one would be the Sagrada Familia.

Casa Batlo is an apartment with seaplant designed chimpney, a tunnel based on a backbone of a fish and elegantly curved wall based on the idea of the ocean wave. For me it is impossible to believe what he had built during his time. I certainly wanted to visit Barcelona again to see the complete work of Sagrada!

Monday, 17 May 2010

25 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Girona

Girona... A place that we visited before we headed to Barcelona. The place was recommended by a guy on a plane. Me and sc were talking to this guy and he suggest us a place not far from the airport called Girona. Well, that's a last minute decision but it was no regret to go around the town.

It was a small old town with a lot of narrow streets and stairs. I felt like walking through a maze with old houses. There was a big cathedral up on the hill with a lot of stairs. But it was truly worth it, the view up from the hill was brilliant and the cathedral was like a saviour shelter for us. The weather is somehow too hot for us to handle, we were sweating and carrying our luggages and bags through streets and stairs, what a nightmare. But it was worth what we've spent our day in this beautiful old town.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Greyson Chance on Ellen Degenres show

26 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Edinburgh

Edinburgh... or so called "Edinbragh"... That's how the local pronounce it. Well, this is Scotland! Love the accent, the people, the bagpipper, the lovely town of Edinburgh! But the weather is too cold for me... Been there for 3 days and what a trip that is. The early morning at the Calton hill is truly amazing. I would never forget the view up on the Calton hill. We are probably at the right time with white snow covering hills that suround Calton hill which is beautiful. The white snowy street and the xmas event of Edinburgh also make this trip even more special.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

27 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Newcastle

Newcastle... this is the place where my sis will stayed for two years... The only thing that I liked about is the food, well the local pub food. Not once was bad, the Nancy Bortello was probably my favourite. There was once this fish and chips with its batter made by Newcastle Brown ale which is really good. I've been to Angel of the North, not much of an artistic person i am, so i couldn't understand what it is actually. Then the Tyne river where there are seven bridges along the river. Each of the bridges has different colour on it. So, that's it... pretty much like Bristol, ain't it? accept the geordie accent...

Friday, 14 May 2010

28 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: York

York... Been here twice, two memorable one. The first time I went with a suprise given to sc. Haha, should have seen her face with shocked and stunned expression. But what a trip it is, going with sc, shanna, kelvin and hn will always be fun and filled with laughters.

Second one was with my sis and my cousin, harn. They haven't been there before so we went there and also celebrated my birthday. We have a great time there and I remembered back those time I have with those lovely friends at the first time... Traditional shops, shambles, yorkshire pudding... lol, yorkshire pudding I thought it was a dessert at first... it represent so much about england I guess... roast beef, roast potatoes, and the pudding itself... I think it will be hard for me to find it in Malaysia... so, it's still worth coming for the 2nd time...

Thursday, 13 May 2010

12 years old kid's "Paparazzi" cover

This 12 year old kid, Greyson Chance just kicked Lady Gaga's ass with his stunning voice and performance on "Paparazzi".

29 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Oxford

Oxford, the city of dreaming spires... The city is mostly built with buildings of University of Oxford, one of the oldest universities in the world. People who are brighter would probably came here to get challenge for higher education. Harry Potter fans would probably like this place as some scenes were taken from Oxford. Before I steped into Oxford, I thought Oxford Uni was just something Bristol Uni or UWE; but it wasn't. I'm totally amazed on how a city is built upon the idea of making it an university which is incredible.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

梅西 vs 大卫维拉

30 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Bournmouth

Last summer, the weather and the beach of Bournmouth was absolutely perfect. Going out with suyin, kenny, leo and his gf on that day. We went for a speedboat thingy, the aquarium, and the most importantly the beach. I kinda like Poole Quay near Dorset where's there's a harbour side with some pubs. People were drinking and relaxing; enjoying the chat and view along the harbour. There is a place near Bournmouth that I always wanted to go, it's Brownsea island. I kinda interested about the island as I was once a scout and Baden Powell set up the first boyscout camping in that island. But too bad I haven't had the chance to visit there before I fly back home.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

31 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Liverpool

I always wanted to come here. Visit Liverpool was a dream come true. Didn't know much about the beatles, but surely a lot on Liverpool fc. Heard from my uncle about Liverpool when I was a kid. That 70s, 80s era would probably their best time in English and European football. Not until the 2005 champions league final win, I'm so into Liverpool's football. Their spirit in competing every games and comeback from loses were really the reason why I'm supporting this club. The fans were mad and supportive as always. Every starting of the home game, the fans will sing "you'll never walk alone", every single word means so much to players, to fans. Those  insipiration from fans backing up thier own club players truly made them the best football fans in the world in my opinion. To be part of them and finally came to Liverpool few years ago made it so special to me.

Monday, 10 May 2010


My God! 好可怕!以后写东西要超小心。
哇塞! 难以置信!他应该不会中文吧。

Farewell my love~

32 Days b4 leavin the UK: Memories that will be Remembered: Manchester